Monday, December 18, 2006

End of an Ear-a

This morning, I used the last Q-Tip from a box of 500 that I brought with me to France. Assuming you use one Q-Tip every day, that's almost a year and half's worth of clean ears!

Now, of course, I've read the warning label on the box, and I know they say you shouldn't put anything in your ear but your elbow, but nothing beats the feeling of a fresh Q-Tip after a hot shower.

You don't really think where you will be in life when you open a fresh box of Q-Tips, though. I mean, how do you plan 500 days in the future? Think about the next 71 weeks, what you'll be doing at work, how you'll spend your weekends, where you'll go on vacations. I'm sure many people have good time-management and planning skills. Hell, even the Soviets had their five-year plan! But, damn it Julie, call Schneider because I'm taking life one day at a time!

Tomorrow, I will open a new box containing 625 Q-Tips. If anyone can give me an idea of what I might be doing on/around 4 September 2008, I look forward to your feedback!


Michael said...

Jon--Yay! welcome to the blogosphere! I hope you're back in the US by Sept 2008--we miss you!
By the way I like to be really decadent and use one q-tip per ear--both ends! I go thru that box of 500 in half the time. It's a little less daunting that way.

Anonymous said...

Just a guess, but... I think you'll be using a new Q-tip from a box recently purchased at CVS in Boston, on a trip to see your friend who you didn't even know when you wrote this post.
Just a guess, of course.